Health worker is spraying anti virus liquids in the ward in Sittway
AN. Sittway. June 25, 2020.
Local Covid-19 monitoring organization has reported coronavirus infected patients are reaching to 18 in Rakhine State in the middle of internet shutdown.
Rakhine State becomes the second largest Covid-19 infection region in Myanmar after Yangon division.
Local organizations reported that Rakhnine state is accommodated 19 infected while Yangon Division has 223 infection cases.
The latest report of Rakhine Infor Corner for Covid-19 (RICC-19) said a 30 years old man in the state capital Sittway is tested positive on June 23.
Ministry of Health and Transportation conformed the test result of the foreign county retuned man is positive. He was coming back to Sittway from Bangladesh. The patient is treated in Sittway hospital. The motorbike taxi driver of the Covid-19 positive is taken for quarantine.
RICC-19 reported that total virus infections in Rakhine are reached to 18, 3 females and 15 males from 8 townships, Buthedaung, Maungdaw, Kyauktaw, Mrauk U, Pauktaw, Sittway, Thandway, and Toungup.
Ministry of Health and Support reported 6 Rakhine positive patients were found in Karen State on June 19. Karen State chief minister said they were sent to Yangon for further treatments. They are 3 females from Pauktaw township, 3 males from Kyauktaw and Mrauk U townships.
Another report said 7 infected persons are discovered in Maungdaw township, and 2 more infected patients are treated in Buthedaung township. They all are coming back from Bangladesh.
In May, 2 virus infected men were reported in Thandway and Toungup townships.
Aye Myat Thu, one of the coordinators of RICC-19 told our news in early May and during during the interview she worried wide spread of virus in crowded refugees in IDP camps in the middle of internet shutdown in the conflict effected regions.
She said, “Internet access is very essential for preventing virus spreading. We can communicate with more people including refugees in the IDP camps if internet is reopen.”
Rakhine Ethnic Congress, Sittway based IDP ministry group, reported on June 8 there are 196,456 IDPs in different camps in different townships.
Rakhine political parties, 70 CSO and Rakhine communities all over the world called on Myanmar government to reopen the internet in Rakhine State.
Western diplomatic mission and UN official issued statements and urged the government to lift internet restrictions.
Local residents start worrying the virus will spread to lager villages and IDP camps after they hear the virus are infections are increasing in their home towns.
Health experts warned strike of second wave infections is possible throughout the world after some countries are lifting restrictions and people get back to old habits, and new Covid-19 infections are increasing in Beijing, China.
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