They are Rakhine IDP children in Ponnaygun township, and this photo is taken on May 17 by the relief worker from the camp in Rabuk Chaung village. Covid-19 can strike out these children at anytime. |
Sittway. My 19, 2020
Myanmar heath and sport ministry confirmed two Rakhine ethnic infected Coronavirus.
The health ministry announced yesterday the test showed positive result on a 35 years old man who recently came back to Thandway from Malaysia. The ministry said he did not have any prior contact with infected patients. He has been placed in Thandway hospital but did not mention the date of admission.
Local Covid19 monitoring team, Rakhine Covid-15 Watch, wrote on social media this infected patient returned from a foreign country is a resident of Kyintali ward. He rode the car along with the other residents from the same ward in Thandway. Local quarantine monitoring teams will measure the in-touch-persons with the prevention provisions.
The second infection is found in Toungup today. The ministry announces a 25 years old man who recently returned home from Malaysia shows positive result with Covid-19 infection. He is placed under quarantine in the town.
Local news outlet wrote the infected Tougup resident flew together with the virus infected Chin ethnic friend from Htin Ta Lin, Chin State, when they were returning from Malaysia to Yangon. But the news did not write when the flight landed at Yangon International Airport.
Social volunteer worker Ko Zaw Min Naing in Tougup told Narinjara News he heard there was a Covid-19 infection in Thandway yesterday and now one more infection is in his hometown, and all these infections make him worrisome and get-to-be-precautious.
During the UN Security Council session last week, British, Germany, French, and several EU nations condemned the violent casualties of civilians and massive internally displacement in Rakhine State and called for a nationwide ceasefire to unitedly curb Covid19 outbreaks in Myanmar. But Myanmar government lashed out the calls and said it did accordingly with international standard as the world super power left out ISIS for non- cessation.
Over 160,000 vulnerable IDPs have been living in shelters under poor conditions and with limited international assistances and without adequate health care system and virus infection prevention equipment.
Myanmar government has shut down the intent in the conflict affected areas and in IDP camps since 2019.
International and local NGOs, US, UN, EU, and many nations have been calling on Myanmar government to lift internet ban in Rakhine state during this critical moment of Covid19 pandemic.
It seems the government is not interested in lifting internet restriction, but it would rather stay with the pride what it has originally been imposing the blackout.
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