Myanmar Army Detained and Interrogated 500 villagers in Sin Thee Village, Rakhine State, Myanmar

500 Detained Villagers from Sin Thee Village, Pannaygun township on May 31

Myanmar Army Detained and Interrogated 500 villagers in Sin Thee Village, Rakhine State, Myanmar  

June 1, 2019. Sittway 

Myanmar Army Sealed Off Sin Thee Village and interrogated 500 villagers, Pannaygun Twonship, Rakhine State, on May 31.

Two hundred soldiers from Myanmar Army LID 22 rounded up the village at 8 am in the morning on May 31. They later released women but kept 500 men in the school compound. 

The soldiers announced in the village that all villagers had to gather in the school for questioning. Then the villagers went to the school where the soldiers circled the villagers with armed guards.

Then, the soldiers checked the household lists whether extra people stay in the village or not. They also searched the hand phones as well. 

The army divided into two groups, under 40s and above 40s. The soldiers asked whether they were members of Arakan Army or supporters of AA. All the villagers answered they were ordinary villagers and nothing do to with AA.

They were not allowed to eat and drink for a half day. 

After entire villagers were completed of searching and questioning, all were released after 5 pm on May 31.

No arrest had made at this time, but the villagers worry the soldiers may come back to the village again. 


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